Death midwifery is the ageless process of witnessing, being authentically present with, and offering support and comfort to fellow human beings who are dying.

Not long ago, all humans were born and died at home. These pivotal transitions took place in the midst of family and friends and were in no way considered a medical event, but rather an important spiritual transition and an integral part of life.  Likewise, death midwives are not medically oriented, but rather work alongside other professionals to support the consciousness of the dying person as it transitions from the body.  Death midwives can work in home environments, hospitals, and nursing facilities.

Midwives are motivated by a deep personal practice and clear commitment to honoring the spiritual practices of our clients and their families.


A testimonial….

At a Unitarian Universalist church service in November 2016, Jackie Davis addressed her congregation with the inspiring story of her husband's home death and funeral, which was supported by Threshold Care midwife, Deana Darby.                       Read the PDF version here.